Engine peak indicator, range 0-160 bar.
For IMPA code 652632 with official discription 652632-ENGINE PEAK INDICATOR, WITH HANDLE 150KGF/CM2 we supply code our item description which is sold per pce and weights 1.
IMPA code number 652632 is available from stock and can be shipped out within 24/hrs to any agent or warehouse in the world. We have 15.000 different IMPA articles in out own stock and IMPA 652632-ENGINE PEAK INDICATOR, WITH HANDLE 150KGF/CM2 is ready for shipping. Just order online, pay by different ways in a secure eviroment and we ship out your IMPA ( 652632 ) the same day!
Product specification
<p>For easy and quick measurement of the maximum peak pressure of engines. Consists of three major components: a check valve, a pressure gauge and an exhaust valve. The maximum peak pressure is directly read on the dial when the indication has settled. There is no need for diagram acquisition, area measurement with a planimeter, or length measurement with a scale. Oil-filled pressure gauges are used as indicators to provide outstanding vibration-resistant and heat-resistant characteristics. The internal pressure is released to zero by opening the exhaust valve after measurement.</p>pce